The School of Humanities offers a wide range of research-related doctoral studies. The objective of a doctoral programme is to provide doctoral students with extensive and solid training in research, enable them to conduct independent academic work, acquire new knowledge, and communicate it.
Doctoral programmes in the Faculty of Philosophy, History and Archaeology, Faculty of Languages and Cultures, and the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies are 180 ECTS and 240 ECTS in the Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies.
Applicants for the Ph.D. program at the School of Humanities:
- Required to find a departmental coordinator/supervisor and are advised to contact the teachers in the field they are interested in to find a supervisor.
- Required to have an idea for a research project before applying.
Note! The School of Humanities has adopted the requirements of the University of Iceland for a maximum number of 4 PhD students for each supervisor. Supervisors can therefore only accept new PhD students if they have 3 or fewer PhD students already.
If the supervisor is not a member of the academic staff at the faculty the applicant must, in consultation with the supervisor, find an academic member of staff at the faculty who has completed a doctorate or equivalent to act as a tutor and a member of the doctoral committee. The tutor’s confirmation must be included in the application. The department may require samples of your essays.
Application deadline for students outside of Nordic countries is 1 February. Note! You need to have a supervisor before you apply.
Those who have Icelandic Social Security or Nordic citizenship have to 15 April to apply for autumn semester and 15 October to apply for spring semester.