Geysir, second floor
Title of thesis:
Moving towards sustainable food production in Iceland through land use- and food system planning
Salvör Jónsdóttir
Doctoral committee:
Dr. Karl Benediktsson, Professor at the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland
Dr. Bryndís Marteinsdóttir, Division Manager at Land og Skógur
Dr. Alfonso Morales, Professor, Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture, University of Wisconsin, USA
Dr. Lindsey Day Farnsworth, Community Food Systems Outreach Program Manager, Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin, USA
The objective of this research is to contribute to Iceland’s steadfast goals of Sustainable Development in its land use planning efforts. The research will focus on agricultural land use, and how to link plans for sustainable rural development, and the national objective for food production in an unpolluted environment. The study seeks answers to questions such as what methods are used in planning to advance sustainable rural land use and sustainable food production, and how such methods could be applied in Iceland. Although food system studies encompass wide spectrum, this research will be limited to agricultural land use policies, and national policies for sustainable development and sustainable food production. The scientific value of the research is primarily twofold: First, the study represents the first planning-focused analysis of Iceland’s agricultural food production system. By reviewing policies related to sustainable land use and food production, the research aims to inform Icelandic policymakers, farmers, and the agri-food sector about best practices. Secondly, an analysis of planning policies for farmland, will shed a light on how, or if, planning policies for agricultural land can impact the desired food system outcomes for sustainable food production. Furthermore, by focusing on an important link between rural and urban living, the research underscores the societal benefits of interdependent communities, contributing to resilience and sustainability.

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