Veröld - Hús Vigdísar
Iulia Ticărău, "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu.
Jewish Literature in Romania in the First Half of the 20th century; Case Study: Mihail Sebastian and the Jewish Identity
Jewish literature from Romania in the first half of the 20th century has had a difficult and unique path, because Jewish writers of Romanian origin were not integrated into the Romanian literary canon, being considered inferior from a literary point of view as compared to Romanian writers. Our presentation is divided into two main parts: the first one deals with the manner in which Romanian intellectuals relate to Jewish literature, what are the aspects that make Jewish literature to be considered a minor literature (Deleuze, Guattari) and what are the causes that led to the support of the right wing extremism and the intensification of anti-Semitism among Romanian intellectuals. In the second part we discuss the Romanian writer of Jewish origin - Mihail Sebastian - and his novel De două mii de ani (For two thousand years), published in 1935, which stirred up a considerable amount of controversy at the time because of the particular way in which the character sets out possible solutions to the Jewish problem.
Iulia Maria Ticărău is a teaching assistant at the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu. She graduated from the Faculty of Letters and Arts ("Lucian Blaga" University) in 2016. Since 2018 she is a PhD student at the same university with a thesis entitled ”The Microsystem of Jewish Literature in Romania in the First Half of the 20th-century.” She teaches Romanian language seminars (Normative Grammar, Language and Communication) and Romanian as a foreign language. She is currently involved in two research projects titled: Preservation, Transformation and Study of the Romanian Linguistic Patrimony in the Context of Globalization (PATLIRO) and The coverage and reception of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Polish, Romanian and English-language media: A comparative critical discourse study with recommendations for journalism training (CORECON).

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