If you have a residence permit as a student you have the right to family reunification with your spouse and children under the age of 18.
Those who plan on moving to Iceland for a longer or shorter period, for example, to work or study, might have to apply for a residence permit.
Undergraduate students do not have to find a supervisor. Some postgraduate programmes require students to have a supervisor before applying to a programme.
It's important to start preparing your application for a student residence permit in advance. To ensure that your permit is approved before the start of the school term, your application and supporting documents should be submitted no later than June 1 for the fall semester or November 1 for the spring semester.
Many programmes taught in Icelandic require fluent Icelandic but some courses within the programme may be taught in English or other languages.
In general, the UI buildings are open from 7:30 am to 6 pm on weekdays throughout the academic year, from August 15 to May 22, except during Christmas and Easter.
Find out more about the campus buildings, and extended opening hours with Student access card.
EEA/EFTA foreign nationals must apply for their national ID number in person at Registers Iceland or some police stations. For other foreign nationals, the national ID number is obtained as part of the residence permit application through the Directorate of Immigration.
Academics and students at the University of Iceland have developed the vocabulary solution IceFlash 4K, a set of flashcards for studying Icelandic. The deck contains the 4000 most frequent words in Icelandic and can help those learning Icelandic as a second language to enrich their vocabulary.
When the payment of the registration fee has been completed and an Icelandic ID number (kennitala) has been issued, approved applicants can request a username and password to access Ugla the UI Intraweb at the Service Desk.
You can apply to study at the University of Iceland by filling in an application form on the University's website. The website also contains information on application deadlines, admission requirements, necessary supporting documents, the registration fee and more.