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Nordic Environment Prize nominations and seminar on nature based solutions

Nordic Environment Prize nominations and seminar on nature based solutions - Available at University of Iceland
Thu, 01/09/2022 - 14:00 to 16:00
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Announcement of the 2022 Nordic Council Environment Prize nominations – followed by a seminar on nature based solutions in the Nordics

Time: Live-streamed from the Nordic House in the Faroe Islands at 14:00h on Thursday 1st of September.

Join us in the Nordic house on September 1st to find out which extraordinary nordic initiatives are nominated for the Nordic Council Environment Prize 2022. The theme of the prize this year is 'Nature based solution – a versatile response to the major environmental challenges facing society'. Magnus Rasmussen, Faroese minister for Environment and Trade, will announce the nominees.

The unveiling of the nominees will be followed by a seminar on nature based solutions. The seminar will bring experts, youth, and decision-makers together in a discussion about the importance of nature based solutions for biodiversity, the climate and human wellbeing - and how they are being implemented in the Nordic countries. We will also hear about the 4-year program on nature based solutions initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers.


Announcement of the 2022 Nordic Council Environment Prize nominations, Magnus Rasmussen, Faroese minister for Environment and Trade.

Seminar on nature based solutions in the Nordics:

Introduction: Myrra Leifsdottir, Institute for Sustainability Studies at the University of Iceland, and Silja Elvarsdóttir, Head of Secretariat of The Nordic Council Environment Prize

Keynote: Jóna Ólafsdóttir, Coordinator for the Nordic Council of Ministers program on nature based solutions.

 Panel participants:

  • Kolbrún í Haraldsstovu, Project Manager for Lendisbati and Head of Botanical Department at the Faroe Islands National Museum
  • Hafdís Hanna Ægisdóttir, Director of the Institute for Sustainability Studies at the University of Iceland
  • Páll á Reynatúgvu, Member of the Faroese parliament Løgtingið representing Tjóðveldi
  • Andrea Vang, student and member of the Nordic Youth Biodiversity Network
  • Leonard Sandin, Reaserch manager at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research

Moderator: Katrin Petersen, journalist

Announcement of the 2022 Nordic Council Environment Prize nominations – followed by a seminar on nature based solutions in the Nordics
Time: Live-streamed from the Nordic House in the Faroe Islands at 14:00h on Thursday 1st of September.
Join us in the Nordic house on September 1st to find out which extraordinary nordic initiatives are nominated for the Nordic Council Environment Prize 2022. The theme of the prize this year is 'Nature based solution – a versatile response to the major environmental challenges facing society'. Magnus Rasmussen, Faroese minister for Environment and Trade, will announce the nominees.
The unveiling of the nominees will be followed by a seminar on nature based solutions. The seminar will bring experts, youth, and decision-makers together in a discussion about the importance of nature based solutions for biodiversity, the climate and human wellbeing - and how they are being implemented in the Nordic countries. We will also hear about the 4-year program on nature based solutions initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Announcement of the 2022 Nordic Council Environment Prize nominations, Magnus Rasmussen, Faroese minister for Environment and Trade.
Seminar on nature based solutions in the Nordics:
Introduction: Myrra Leifsdottir, Institute for Sustainability Studies at the University of Iceland, and Silja Elvarsdóttir, Head of Secretariat of The Nordic Council Environment Prize
Keynote: Jóna Ólafsdóttir, Coordinator for the Nordic Council of Ministers program on nature based solutions.
 Panel participants:

Kolbrún í Haraldsstovu, Project Manager for Lendisbati and Head of Botanical Department at the Faroe Islands National Museum
Hafdís Hanna Ægisdóttir, Director of the Institute for Sustainability Studies at the University of Iceland
Páll á Reynatúgvu, Member of the Faroese parliament Løgtingið representing Tjóðveldi
Andrea Vang, student and member of the Nordic Youth Biodiversity Network
Leonard Sandin, Reaserch manager at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research

Moderator: Katrin Petersen, journalist

Nordic Environment Prize nominations and seminar on nature based solutions