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Open Lecture: 3D magnetic textures in isotropic chiral magnets

Open Lecture: 3D magnetic textures in isotropic chiral magnets  - Available at University of Iceland
Tue, 23/11/2021 - 15:00 to 16:00



Further information 
Will be in English
Max. 50 participants in room

The Institute of Physical Sciences invites you to an open lecture.

Nikolai S. Kiselev, researcher at the Institute for Advanced Simulation & Peter Grünberg Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich, in Germany gives the lecture: 3D magnetic textures in isotropic chiral magnets.


Magnetic crystals with competing interactions allow the existence of localized in space magnetic textures possessing a lot of similarities to ordinary particles meaning that they can move and interact with each other: attract, repel, or collide and annihilate.

In this presentation, I will discuss the chiral magnets where the competition between Heisenberg exchange and the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions leads to the emergence of magnetic skyrmions. Recently we have shown that besides ordinary skyrmion tubes (SkTs) penetrating through the whole sample, there are also other types of solutions, that can be thought of as a SkT with one end – chiral bobber or two ends – magnetic globule, where the ends of the skyrmion tube are magnetic singularities – Bloch points.

The main part of the talk is devoted to the very fresh findings in the field of 3D magnetic textures in isotropic chiral magnets. I will present the experimental observations and theoretical description of such phenomena as skyrmion braiding and emergence of skyrmions antiparticle (antiskyrmion) in B20-type chiral magnets.

About Nikolai:

Nikolai S. Kiselev was born in 1979, in USSR, in the East side of Ukraine in the city Slovyansk. In 2001, Nikolai got his Master diploma in the department of Physics and Mathematics of the local university in his hometown. After that he worked in Slovyansk University for a short time then moved to Lugansk state university. In 2006 he was employed at the Physical and Technical Institute in Donetsk. In 2008 he became a PhD student at the Institute for solid state physics in Dresden, Germany. He did his PhD under the supervision of Alex Bogdanov and Ulrich Rößler and got his PhD diploma in physics in 2010. After that he moved to the opposite side of Germany and since 2011, he works in the research center in Jülich. In 2017, he became a staff researcher at the Institute for Advanced Simulations and now is a leader of a small group of people working on magnetic solitons and related phenomena.

Nikolai S. Kiselev was born in 1979, in USSR, in the East side of Ukraine in the city Slovyansk.

3D magnetic textures in isotropic chiral magnets