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29/08/2016 - 10:15

Fun and facts for new students at UI


Concerts, micro courses, dance, walks and introduction of the UI support services are part of an interesting programme offered to welcome new students to the University of Iceland. The week long programme takes place in the University centre (Háskólatorg) and begins on Monday 29 August. Almost 3000 new students arrive on campus these days and the University strives to make them feel welcome and educate them about the University community.

The programme will be launched on Monday 29 August in Háskólatorg where the support services offered by the University will be introduced. This gives new students the opportunity to obtain information, get brochures and talk to the staff. Representatives from the following offices will be present; the International Office, the Student Counselling and Career Centre, Student Registration, Computing Services, Ugla intranet, the Student Council, the National and University Library, the Language Centre, the Sustainability and Environment committee, the Writing Centre of Humanities, the University Choir, the University Dance, and the Student Theatre.

A special information desk will open all week for new students from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Háskólatorg and the Student Council organises guided walks around the many University buildings at 12.30 on Monday and Tuesday. Departure from the information desk.

The University Choir will sing for everyone in Háskólatorg on Tuesday 30 August followed by a lecture on exchange studies at 12.15 in HT-105.

The University dance will perform on Wednesday 31 August and introduce their programme at noon. 

The renowned band Reykjavíkurdætur will perform at Háskólatorg on Thursday 1 September at noon. 

The Student Council’s student days will be held outside of the main building the same day where student unions will compete in various outdoor games.

Please find an overview of the programme in Icelandic on our website.
