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Connections between pregnancy complications and ADHD in children

“We believe this a unique opportunity to answer important questions on the potential connection between common complications during pregnancy, and the neurological and educational development of children. ADHD is now one of the most common mental health problems in schoolchildren, with 5-10% of children combating symptoms of this problem. Finding risk factors is obviously a primary concern,” says Helga Zoëga, Associate Professor of Public Health Science. She is currently studying whether there is a connection between hypertension and diabetes in pregnant mothers, and the neurological and educational development of children, emphasizing Attention Deficiency and Hyperactivity Disorder; or ADHD as it is commonly known. 

Shrimp shell transformed into broad-spectrum antibiotic

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences has received reinforcement in the form of highly capable Indian students recently. Priyanka Sahariah is part of this group of doctoral students. Sahariah was born in 1978 in India and holds a MS diploma in Organic Chemistry. “I am very interested in Medicinal Chemistry and would very much like to work on research in that field. With that in mind I applied for doctoral studies at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Iceland. I am also interested in research on the use of so-called chitosan derivatives in nanopharmaceuticals,” says Sahariah who has settled well in in Iceland and works on her research in Hagi in Reykjavík.

Wants to transform pollution into value

“The aim of this project is to design a chemical plant that utilizes energy from geothermal energy plants in an economical manner to  binds carbon dioxide into valuable substances with the aid of algae,” says Sigurður Brynjólfsson, Professor. He leads a team of scientists that utilize so-called systems biology to harvest organisms for production of valuable products. “The design is based on light emitting diodes and biotechnology as well as utilising natural gas or carbon dioxide from geothermal areas.

Doing business with China

Icelanders have increased their business dealings with China considerably in recent years; as the Chinese market is very large and economic growth has remained strong there, while growth has declined in Europe. Language skills do not suffice when interacting with other nations, cultural literacy also has considerable impact on contracts and long term business plans.

Bergþóra Aradóttir, MS in Management and Policy Making, studied the experience of Icelandic managers doing business in China in her MA thesis. “The study focuses on the experience of managers of the influence of traditional Chinese culture on the one hand, and the modernisation of the business environment on the other,” says Aradóttir.

What prevents responsible behaviour in environmental affairs?

“I find it both worthy and pressing to examine why we do not respond to the environmental crisis in a more responsible manner. The United Nations has even issued a decree stating that the environmental crisis is one of the biggest challenges mankind has ever faced,” says Ragna B. Garðarsdóttir, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology.

She is currently working with Erla Hlín Helgadóttir, Master student in Environment and Natural Resources, on a questionnaire to evaluate the judgement errors and other fallacies that discourage a responsible position in environmental affairs or what is known as environmentally responsible behaviour. “I wrote my BA thesis in Psychology under Garðarsdóttir’s supervision and was very interested in continuing to work with her.” Human behaviour is an exciting subject and these studies combine psychology and environmental science in an interesting way,” says Helgadóttir.

Genetic research, democracy and science literacy

Various isolated moral dilemmas connected with genetic research have been extensively analysed and discussed in recent years. A broader philosophical and ethical investigation on the influence of genetics on society and the moral sensibilities has not featured in this discourse. Vilhjálmur Árnason, Professor at the Faculty of History and Philosophy, is working on a study on this issue. He bases his study mostly on the theory of rational communication rooted in Jürgen Habermas’s theory on democracy. Icelandic society and data base research are focal points of the study.

Computer-connected white cane

Computers are more human than many realise. Human-computer interaction is researched within the field of computer science at the University of Iceland. It is an interdisciplinary field which connects computer science to other academic schools, supporting a better quality of life for disabled individuals in society. For the past few years, Ebba Þóra Hvannberg, Professor of Computer Science, has researched human-computer interaction. A touch cane for the blind is one of her research topics. The goal is to improve the communication between blind Fpeople and computers, for instance for the purpose of improving their access to mathematics. Ebba Þóra says this is an important step towards improving the quality of life for those who are blind.

Frequently asked questions about innovation

Summer workshop to increase the number of women and genderqueer in IT

27/06/2024 - 11:25

“Girls who code (Stelpur forrita) is a summer workshop designed to increase interest in and improve the gender balance in computer science and software engineering and to reduce dropout rate of female and genderqueer students currently enrolled in the subjects,“ say Saeeda Shafaee and Theresia Mita Erika, students of computer science at the University of Iceland. In August they will host a weeklong programme with the aim of introducing women and genderqueers to the possibilities within IT. Among the topics covered are e-commerce, cyber security, language technology and innovation.

Saeeda and Mita are both well into their bachelor studies in computer science and say that with this initiative they also want to encourage underrepresented minorities such as immigrants, women and genderqueer people to consider IT as a career path, being immigrants themselves. Their stories are quite fascinating.
