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A Giant Moon at UTmessa in Reykjavík

04/02/2019 - 18:18

The University of Iceland, UTmessa and Skýrslutæknifélag Íslands (Ský) collaborate for the exhibition of a gigantic piece of art in the form of the moon in connection with the UTmessa that takes place in Harpa concert hall and conference centre on 8 and 9 February. University staff and students take an active part in the programme.

UTmessa is one of the largest IT events in Iceland and has been held annually since 2011. The event is twofold with a conference and exhibition for the IT industry open for registered participants on Friday, and an exhibition open to the public on Saturday where guests can see the various sides of the IT industry in an interactive and lively manner.

Challenges of the future require education, equality, and critical thinking

23/02/2019 - 13:45

The rector of the University of Iceland spoke about progress and optimism when 444 candidates received their diplomas from both undergraduate and graduate studies earlier today. 

"Progress does not only manifest in increased life expectancy, better education, and increased democracy; but also in greatly improved access to electricity, increased legal protection, better security during natural disasters, and more equality. Equal rights to an education has proven to be one of the biggest breakthroughs for mankind, bringing improvements in almost all aspects of life," said Jón Atli, asking the question whether young people had reasons to be optimistic for the future, whilst research shows that many believe that the world's situation is constantly deteriorating.

Institute of Earth Sciences Seminar

29. August 2018 - 12:00 to 13:00


3rd Floor Meeting Room

Elías Rafn Heimisson (Stanford University)

Title: Simulating seismicity using rate-and-state friction: Application to the 2014 Bárðarbunga dike

Date: Wednesday, 29th August
Time: 12:00
Place: 3rd Floor meeting room, Askja


BMC Seminar - Using bone mineral density for clinical assessment of bone strength

20. September 2018 - 12:00 to 13:00


stofa 343

BMC Seminar Thursday, September 20th at 12:00 in room 343 Læknagarður

Speaker: Dr. Magnús Kjaran Gíslason, Assistant Professor at School of Science and Engineering, University Reykjavík.

Title: Using bone mineral density for clinical assessment of bone strength

Master's Thesis Defense: Stefán Már Thorarensen

12. October 2018 - 13:00 to 15:30


Room 229

Stefán Már Thorarensen defends his master's thesis in Public Health Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine.

''Physical Trauma Increases the Incident Risk of Psoriatic Arthritis Among Psoriasis Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study''

Examiner is Helgi Jónsson, professor and specialist in rheumatology.

Supervisor is Þorvarður Jón Löve, associate professor, Faculty of Medicine, UI. Advisor is Arna Hauksdóttir, professor, Faculty of Medicine, UI. Also on the thesis committee is Sigurður Yngvi Kristinsson, professor, Faculty of Medicine, UI.

The defense is open to the public.


MIS Graduate Students 2016-2017

Anna Alexandra McCully Stewart (UK)

  • English Language and Literature, BA (First Class), University of Oxford, 2015

I am interested in such liminal saga figures as the berserkr and human-turned-troll, as well as the play of genres in ‘post-Classical’ Íslendingasögur. I also hope to study the afterlife of the younger Futhark in the Icelandic scriptorium when compared to the scribal use of runes in Anglo Saxon manuscripts.

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Quality of life among newly diagnosed lung cancer patients in Iceland

27. March 2018 - 14:00 to 15:30


stofa 107

Quality of life among newly diagnosed lung cancer patients in Iceland: The role of resilience and social support

Harpa Sóley Snorradóttir defends her MPH thesis from the Faculty of Medicine.

Opponent is professor Sigriður Gunnarsdóttir.

Thesis committee: professor Unnur Anna Valdimarsdóttir, main advisor, Hrönn Harðardóttir, MD, Hrefna Magnúsdóttir, Nurse RN.


Lung cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancer world-wide and leading causes of cancer deaths in the developed world. A diagnosis of lung cancer is a severely stressful event illustrated by the dramatic increase in psychiatric disorders in newly diagnosed population. Nevertheless, there is a great variability in how patients respond to the diagnosis of cancer. This may be partly explained by the nature and quality of support that patients have, individuals coping skills and resilience. 

Viking warrior women?

17. April 2018 - 16:30 to 18:00



University of Iceland Centre for Medieval Studies

Neil Price

Viking warrior women?

Reassessing Birka chamber grave Bj.581 and its implications

Tuesday, April 17, 2018, at 16.30

Lögbergi 101

The warrior woman or ‘shield maiden’ has long been part of the Viking image, with a pedigree that extends from the Valkyries of Old Norse prose and poetry to Wagner’s operatic fantasies and beyond. In our own times, she has taken on a new lease of life through mass-media entertainment and television drama such as the Vikings series. However, until recently the actual Viking-Age evidence for female fighters, whether real or mythical, has been sparse and ambiguous.

Association of Stress-Related Disorders With Subsequent Autoimmune Disease

19/06/2018 - 16:00

A new study from research scientists at the University of Iceland and Karolinska Institut in Stockholm suggests that individuals who have struggled with PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder) are in increased danger of being diagnosed with autoimmune diseases later in life. The results were published today in the distinguished Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 

The study is based on Swedish databases on the state of health. During the 30 year research period over a hundred thousand individuals were diagnosed with PTSD or other disorders in the wake of trauma. The risk of those individuals to be later diagnosed with autoimmune diseases was then compared to their siblings and unrelated individuals of the same age and gender. 

Master's lecture in Environmental Engineering - Anna Birna Þorvarðardóttir

28. June 2018 - 16:00 to 17:30


Stofa 147

Master's student: Anna Birna Þorvarðardóttir

Title: Bicycle crashes in Iceland 2011-2016: Investigating injury severity of bicyclists


Faculty:  Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Advisor: Dr. Guðmundur Freyr Úlfarsson, Professor and the head of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Other member of the masters committee: Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson, Engineer and Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Examiner: Guðbjörg Lilja Erlendsdóttir, Civil Engineer at Reykjavíkurborg

