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Guest lecture - Universe(s) in a box

24. July 2019 - 16:00 to 17:00


HT - 101

Dr. Annalisa Pillepich, independent  group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy gives a open lecture titled: Universe(s) in a box; Modeling populations of galaxies with supercomputer simulations


Master's lecture in Civil Engineering - Harnesing solar energy in Iceland with PV panels

3. September 2019 - 15:00 to 17:00


Room 155

Master's student: Sindri Þrastarson

Title: Harnesing solar energy in Iceland with PV panels


Faculty:  Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Advisors:  Björn Marteinsson, Associate Professor and Hrund Ólöf Andradóttir,Professor, both at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Examiner: Kolbrún Reinhardsdóttir, Electrical Engineer at Efla


Doctoral defence - Ingibjörg Ósk Sigurðardóttir

1. February 2019 - 13:00 to 16:30


University´s Aula

Doctoraldefence from Faculty of Education and Pedagogy 

Preschool teachers’ professional development through collaborative action research: Creating mutual understanding and professional language about values and values education

The opponents are: Dr. Margaret Riel Director for Center for Collaborative Action Research, Pepperdine University, Malibu, USA, and Dr. Liora Bresler, Professor at University of Illinois.

Supervisor was Dr.  Jóhanna Einarsdóttir, Professor at School of Education, University of Iceland and  co-supervisor Dr. Pia Williams, Professor at University of Gothenburg, Sweden. A memer in the doctoralcommittee was also dr. Anna-Maija Puroila, Senior lecturer at University of Oulu, Finland

Dr. Jónína Vala Kristinsdóttir, Professor and Head Faculty of Faculty of Education and Pedagogy, School of Education, is the master of ceremony

Master studies

The School of Engineering and Natural Sciences offers a wide range of research related master studies. The programmes are 120 ECTS.

Midway evaluation in Industrial Engineering - Ásgeir Örn Sigurpálsson

16. April 2019 - 14:00 to 16:30


Room 157

Title: Pattern Scheduling: A Practical Approach For Scheduling Elective Surgeries

Doctoral student: Ásgeir Örn Sigurpálsson

Doctoral committee:
Thomas Philip Rúnarsson, Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Iceland.

Rögnvaldur J. Sæmundsson, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Iceland.

Edmund K. Burke, Professor, Queen Mary University of London


Exploring Ways to Share New Ideas in Education

03/08/2018 - 11:40

An international conference on systems thinking for Icelandic educators and students will be held at the University of Iceland 6 – 10 August; the 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. According to the conference organisers systems thinking is a growing and dynamic approach in pre-college education throughout the world, including the United States, Netherlands, China, Japan, and many other locations. 

Conference Programme Chair Robert Eberlein said, “Our goal is to encourage Icelandic educators to consider systems thinking and to participate in the 2018 System Dynamics Society conference as attendees at a workshop or roundtable session. We are fortunate this year to have our conference in Reykjavík, where we expect to have experts of international renown sharing their research and theories.”

International Conference: States of Exception and the Politics of Anger

19. October 2018 - 9:15 to 20. October 2018 - 16:00


The EDDA Research Center in Critical Contemporary Research at the University of Iceland hosts, in cooperation with the Nordic Research Hub ReNew, an international conference—which will be held 19–20 October 2018—on emergency politics from historical and contemporary perspectives. It brings together scholars in diverse academic fields and working within different thematic and national paradigms to explore “states of exception.” The conference will take place in the Conference Hall at the National Museum of Iceland. Please find the conference program here.

Master's lecture in Geology - Tobias Alexander Soutar

11. December 2018 - 14:30 to 15:00


The Institute of Earth Sciences meeting room

Master's student: Tobias Alexander Soutar

Title: Tracing mantle degassing along the East African Rift using He and C isotopes: A geospatial approach


Faculty:  Faculty of Earth Sciences

Advisors:  Sæmundur Ari Halldórsson,  Research Scholar and Andri Stefánsson, Professor, both at the Faculty of Earth Sciences

Examiner: Halldór Ármannsson, Chief Geochemist at ISOR


Doctoral defence of Guðrún Ragnarsdóttir

24. April 2018 - 13:00 to 15:30


Hátíðasalur Háskóla Íslands

The doctoral defence of Guðrún Ragnarsdóttirwill be 24th April at 1 pm in the University´s Aula, main building


School leaders’ perceptions of contemporary change at the upper secondary school level in Iceland. Interaction of actors and social structures facilitating or constraining change


The oponents are: Dr. Elisabet Nihlfors, professor at Uppsala University, and Dr. Monica Johansson senior lecturer at University of Gothenburg.
