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Easter greetings

08/04/2020 - 14:34

Jón Atli Benediktsson, rector of the University of Iceland sent the following announcement to students and staff today:

"Dear students and colleagues,

The fourth working week of the assembly ban is now drawing to a close and thanks to your sterling efforts, we have succeeded not only in keeping the University operational, but also maintaining the quality of our study programmes.

Master's lecture in Tourism Studies - Yingying Xing

26. May 2020 - 13:00 to 14:00

The lecture will be streamed live:

Master's student: Yingying Xing

Title: Chinese tourists in Iceland: Motivation and satisfaction


Faculty:  Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

Advisor: Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, Professor at the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

Other member of the Masters Committee: Edda Ruth Hlín Waage, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

Examiner: Þorleifur Þór Jónsson, Specialist at Íslandsstofa


Master's lecture in Software Engineering - Elvar Helgason

2. June 2020 - 11:00 to 11:45

The lecture will be streamed:

Master's student: Elvar Helgason

Title: Software Engineering Practices in Early Stages of Icelandic Software Startups


Faculty:  Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Advisors:  Helmut Neukirchen and Matthias Book, both Professors at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Examiner: Mohammad Hamdaqa, Assistant Professor at Reykjavík University


Master's lecture in Civil Engineering - Xuyang Jin

27. May 2020 - 14:00 to 15:00

The lecture will be streamed live: 


Master's student: Xuyang Jin

Title: Heat storage in rock and soil in permafrost conditions


Faculty:  Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Advisor:  Bjarni Bessason, Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Other members of the masters committee: Arne Aalberg, Professor at the University Centre in Svalbard and Aleksey Shestov, Associate Professor at the University Centre in Svalbard

Examiner: Halldór Pálsson, Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Master's lecture in Environment and Natural Resources - Emma Njeru

3. June 2020 - 13:00 to 14:00

The lecture will be streamed:

Master's student: Emma Njeru

Title: Urban Form and Subjective Well-Being in the Reykjavík Capital Region: The Impact of the Built, and Social Environment on Individual Life satisfaction, Domain satisfaction, and Social Well-Being


Faculty: Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Advisor: Jukka Heinonen, Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Also in the masters committee: Michal Czepkiewicz, Post Doc at the Engineering Research Institute and Áróra Árnadóttir, Doctoral student in Environmental Studies

Master's lecture in Mechanical Engineering-Rebecca Anne Jones

23. September 2019 - 16:00 to 17:00


Room 157

Master's student: Rebecca Anne Jones

Title: The design of slushflow barriers: CFD simulations


Faculty:  Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Advisor:  Halldór Pálsson, Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Also in the masters committee: Ásdís Helgadóttir, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Examiner: Vigfús Arnar Jósefsson, Mechanical Engineer at Verkís


Master's lecture in Civil Engineering - Rajan Dhakal

16. December 2019 - 10:00 to 11:00


Room 157

Master's student: Rajan Dhakal

Title: System identification and seismic analysis of residential RC building in Kathmandu, Nepal


Faculty: Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Advisor:  Rajesh Rupakhety, Professor

Other member of the masters committee: Said Elias Rahimi, Post Doc at the Earthquake Engineering Research Centre, University of Iceland

Examiner: Sigurbjörn Bárðarson, Engieneer at Norconsult ehf


Master's lecture in Industrial Engineering - Sindri Snær Rúnarsson

28. January 2020 - 14:00 to 15:00


Room 147

Master's student: Sindri Snær Rúnarsson

Title: A first stage engineering design of a grow-out rearing facility for Sæbýli ehf


Faculty:  Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Advisor:  Rúnar Unnþórsson, Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Also in the masters committee: Guðmundur Valur Oddsson, Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Examiner: Ari Jónasson,Engineer at Rio Tinto


Master's lecture in Bioengineering - Gunes Gurel

29. January 2020 - 11:00 to 12:30


Langholt (257)

Master's student: Gunes Gurel

Title: Adaptive Laboratory Evolution of Escherichia coli MG1655 WT and tolC Knock-out towards Bile Acid and Antibiotic Resistance


Faculty: Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Advisor:  Sigurður Brynjólfsson, Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Also in the masters committee: Morten Otto Alexander Sommer and Felipe Gonzalo Tueros Farfan

Examiner: Ólafur Eysteinn Sigurjónsson, Professor at Reykavík University


Doctoral defence at School of education Valgerður S Bjarnadóttir

4. June 2019 - 13:00 to 16:00


University Aula

Valgerður S Bjarnadóttir defends her doctoral thesis, from the Faculty of Education and Pedagogy, University of Iceland:

The Complexities of Student Influence in Upper Secondary Schools in Iceland:

 Pedagogic Practice and Subject Hierarchies

The current national curriculum for upper secondary education in Iceland frames student influence more explicitly than before. However, the current power structures within the upper secondary school, some of which are strongly related to traditional subject hierarchies, only vaguely support student influence through their pedagogic practice. In four separate articles, this study gives insight into students’ and teachers’ perspectives, reflecting the complexities of student influence in the school setting. Bernstein’s theory on pedagogic codes informed the study.
