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Suspicion of corruption can hinder sustainable use of natural resources

Widespread suspicion of corruption in the utilisation of natural resources can increase the danger of corruption in resource governance systems, which in turn can impede sustainable usage. These are the findings in a new collaborative study of the University of Iceland and Stockholm University published in the political science journal Politics and Governance. 

Jóhanna Gísladóttir, doctoral student in environment and natural resources at the University of Iceland and Stockholm University is first author. Sigurbjörg Sigurgeirsdóttir, professor at the University of Iceland's Faculty of Political Science, Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir, professor at the Faculty of Earth Sciences at the University of Iceland, and Ingrid Stjenrquist, research scientists at the Department of Physical Geography at Stockholm University are co-authors.

A warmer climate affects the movements of birds in the Arctic region 

09/11/2020 - 15:26

Significant changes have been observed in the movements and migration patterns of animals in the Arctic region, in line with climate change. So argues an article which was published in the journal Science last week.  Among the authors is Jose Alves, a visiting scholar at the University Iceland's Research Centre in South Iceland, where a very interesting research project on birds has been conducted over recent years. The article introduces an extensive collaborative network for researching the movements of animals in the Arctic region; Icelandic oystercatchers are among the species included in the database. 

Positions on advertised on the University's Career Connection Gateway

11/11/2020 - 11:02

The University of Iceland and the recruitment website have made an agreement to share selected job opportunities to students on the University of Iceland Career Connection Gateway. This collaboration provides companies and institutes that advertise at Job with the opportunity to reach the extensive human resources within the student body at the University of Iceland whilst at the same time facilitating the students' access to the job market.   

Eyjólfur Eyfells the first Icelander to be hired at UArctic

25/11/2020 - 10:05

Eyjólfur Eyfells has been hired as Philanthropy Manager in Finance, Development, and Engagement area of the University of the Arctic, or UArctic. 

UArctic is a cooperative network of universities, colleges, research institutes and other organizations concerned with education and research in and about the North. The UArctic aim is to strengthen studies and research at a University level in the  Circumpolar North. The main emphasis is on exchange studies support, strengthening collaboration in education and research, and creating networks in numerous areas of culture and nature. This type of collaboration has deepened understanding of the Arctic which has had positive impact on the environment, improved the standard of living for indigenous peoples and other northerners. It has, furthermore, promoted viable communities and sustainable economies. All universities in Iceland are members in UArctic.  

The general public engaged in data acquisition on whales

"There has been a positive change in Iceland as general interest and observation of whales has increased, both among tourists who sometimes come to Iceland for the sole purpose of seeing whales, but also among Icelanders themselves. We believe that there is opportunity in this increased interest to recruit the general public," says Edda Elísabet Magnúsdóttir, post-doc in biology at the University of Iceland and project manager of WhaleBase. She has, along with computer scientists and other biologists, developed a new website on whales with the aim to engaging both specialists and the public all around Iceland to gather better data on whale migration.

Prediction model for the flow of COVID-19 patients for Landspítali University Hospital

03/04/2020 - 13:55

A group of scientists in engineering at the University of Iceland is currently working with representatives from the Landspítali University Hospital on creating and developing a prediction model of the flow of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in the care of the hospital. The model is based on software that received first prize in the Applied Science Prize at the University of Iceland last year and helps hospital administrators in finding and maintaining the best categorisation of surgeries. 

Easter greetings

08/04/2020 - 14:34

Jón Atli Benediktsson, rector of the University of Iceland sent the following announcement to students and staff today:

"Dear students and colleagues,

The fourth working week of the assembly ban is now drawing to a close and thanks to your sterling efforts, we have succeeded not only in keeping the University operational, but also maintaining the quality of our study programmes.

Master's lecture in Tourism Studies - Yingying Xing

26. May 2020 - 13:00 to 14:00

The lecture will be streamed live:

Master's student: Yingying Xing

Title: Chinese tourists in Iceland: Motivation and satisfaction


Faculty:  Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

Advisor: Anna Dóra Sæþórsdóttir, Professor at the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

Other member of the Masters Committee: Edda Ruth Hlín Waage, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

Examiner: Þorleifur Þór Jónsson, Specialist at Íslandsstofa


Master's lecture in Software Engineering - Elvar Helgason

2. June 2020 - 11:00 to 11:45

The lecture will be streamed:

Master's student: Elvar Helgason

Title: Software Engineering Practices in Early Stages of Icelandic Software Startups


Faculty:  Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Advisors:  Helmut Neukirchen and Matthias Book, both Professors at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science

Examiner: Mohammad Hamdaqa, Assistant Professor at Reykjavík University


Master's lecture in Civil Engineering - Xuyang Jin

27. May 2020 - 14:00 to 15:00

The lecture will be streamed live: 


Master's student: Xuyang Jin

Title: Heat storage in rock and soil in permafrost conditions


Faculty:  Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Advisor:  Bjarni Bessason, Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Other members of the masters committee: Arne Aalberg, Professor at the University Centre in Svalbard and Aleksey Shestov, Associate Professor at the University Centre in Svalbard

Examiner: Halldór Pálsson, Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science
