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Looking for a cure to cancer within the body

12/08/2019 - 13:44

Around two hundred women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in Iceland. Breast cancer is thus one of the most prevalent cancers in women in Iceland. It is consequently important to discover what causes this disease, and to search for cures for the women affected. Breast cancer is not one disease, it is a term used for a number of cancers that are different in nature, and vary in how difficult they are to treat. One of the most challenging types is triple negative breast cancer (TNBC); survival rates for women who are affected by this type of cancer are significantly lower than for other types. 

Erasmus + Inclusion Grants

The Erasmus+ program places great empahasis on inclusion to enable more students to study abroad. With this goal in mind, the program offers additional financial support (inclusion grants) for student with fewer opportunities to participate in mobility.

Students of the University of Iceland who apply for Erasmus+ exchange studies or traineeships are eligible to apply for an Erasmus+ Inclusion Grant. The grant is applied for at the same time as applying for the mobility abroad.

Being overweight in childhood may heighten lifetime risk of depression

01/06/2017 - 11:15

Those who are overweight during childhood are more likely to become depressed than those who are only overweight adults. New research presented at this year’s European Congress on Obesity suggests this. Research is a part of the international multidisciplinary consortium MooDFOOD.

The MooDFOOD project, Multi-national collaborative project on the role of diet, food-related behaviour, and obesity in the prevention of depression, has been in place since 2014 involving fourteen research group in nine European countries, including a group from the University of Iceland. The aim of the project is to increase understanding of whether, and how, different nutritional and lifestyle strategies are connected with obesity and depression.

Research is the basis of improved lives

24/02/2016 - 13:45

“The government has to give priority to universities in Iceland,” said Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland, when addressing the candidates at the graduation ceremony in Háskólabíó last Saturday. This was his first graduation as Rector of the University of Iceland, as Jón Atli Benediktsson superseded Kristín Ingólfsdóttir in July last year. The graduates were 411 in total; 211 from undergraduate studies and 200 from graduate studies. 

Jón Atli Benediktsson emphasized university funding in his address stating that all funding for the University was put to good use thus benefiting society as a whole. International and domestic appraisals had repeatedly shown the University of Iceland to be an extremely efficient and well operated institution. 

He said that it was important that the University move forward and receive funding on par with the Nordic universities, maintaining that recent years‘ accomplishments is not enough.

Major grant awarded to develop improved methods for harnessing solar energy

25/09/2024 - 11:40

Gianluca Levi, a postdoctoral chemistry researcher at the UI Institute of Physical Sciences, in collaboration with an international team of researchers, has been awarded a grant from the European Research Council (ERC) of EUR 1.5 million, equivalent to almost ISK 230 million. This funding will support the development of new methods to help us more effectively harness solar energy. This is the ninth grant that UI scientists have received from the ERC in recent years.

The project is titled “New excited state methods for overcoming challenges in sunlight conversion” (NEXUS) and will run for five years. Basic research projects such as NEXUS are the origin of most modern discoveries and innovations.

BMC Seminar - DNA methylation abnormalities in neurons

4. April 2024 - 12:30 to 13:10


Room N-132

BMC Seminar Thursday 4th of April at 12:00 in Askja, room N-132

Speaker: Juan Ouyang, PhD student under supervision of Prof. Hans Tómas Björnsson, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland

Title: Identifying functionally relevant DNA methylation abnormalities in neurons

Childbearing in relation to parenting culture, family policy and diversity

09/04/2024 - 11:56

The research project Fertility intentions and behaviour in Iceland: The role of policies and parenting culture (FIBI) is organizing a symposium where the results of diverse studies related to the development of fertility rates and the impact of family policy and parenting culture on families in Iceland will be presented.

Empowerment and Agency at the Margins: Immigrant Women’s Pursuit of Higher Education

18. April 2024 - 12:00 to 13:00

National Museum of Iceland

Cynthia Trililani is the sixth lecturer of the RIKK – Institute for Gender, Equality and Difference lecture series on intersectionality in spring 2024. Her lecture is titled „Empowerment and Agency at the Margins: Immigrant Women’s Pursuit of Higher Education” and will be held at 12–13 on Thursday 18 April, at the National Museum of Iceland.

Midway evaluation in Environmental studies - Johanna Raudsepp

2. November 2023 - 12:30 to 14:00



Live stream link

Student: Johanna Raudsepp

Thesis title: What moves us: Connections between activity spaces, leisure travel and well-being.

Doctoral committee: Jukka Heinonen, Professor, University of Iceland.
Áróra Árnadóttir, Adjunct, University of Iceland.
Michal Czepkiewicz, Assistant Professor, Poznan University.
Kamyar Hasanzadeh, University Lecturer, University of Helsinki.

