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The value of not-knowing and reflection

16. August 2023 - 14:00 to 15:00

Stakkahlíð / Háteigsvegur


Reflection is an important component in learning processes for professional and personal development. It can be described as a holistic, thoughtful exploration of the learner's personal way of seeing, feeling and thinking in response to specific experiences. 


In the first part of the lecture, Bert Vandenbussche (LUCA School of Arts, Belgium) elaborates on the necessary conditions for the educator/facilitator to develop a stimulating reflective atmosphere in a learning group, based on the publication 'Holding the Space' of the European research project REFLECT. These include allowing learners to own up their learning process (and simultaneously a ‘owning down’ by the educator/facilitator), directing reflective attention, taking care of the possible impact of assessment  and the importance of slowing down. 


Developing a training programme to combat sexual harassment in the police force

29/08/2023 - 06:45

"The masculine work culture in the police force brings certain challenges, due to traditional ideas of masculinity and the hierarchy within the institution. It is important that careers in law enforcement are open to all genders and that minority groups are not forced out of the job by a hostile work culture," says Sólveig María Thomasdóttir, who spent the summer researching responses to sexual harassment in the police force. Previous research has revealed that the police urgently need to reform the culture of masculinity within the institution, since it can drive women out of the job.  

Introduction day for students in international studies in Education

7. September 2023 - 10:30 to 15:00

Stakkahlíð / Háteigsvegur


7th of September 2023 - Introduction Day for new students in International Studies in Education at the School of Education 

Join our Introduction Day and prepare for a successful start in our program for International Studies in Education at the School of Education, University of Iceland! Get to know your fellow students, find your way around campus, and learn about the services.  


10.30 - 11.15 Student reps Introduce the activities this fall 

11.15 - 12.00 Introduction to the UI / Short tour of the building 

12.00 - 13.00 Lunch 

13.00 - 14.30 Introduction to courses 

14.30 -15.00 General questions  

See the full schedule here 

Electronic surveillance

Security cameras are an important link in the security system of the University of Iceland. Experience shows that security cameras have a significant deterrent effect and can be invaluable in reporting theft and vandalism. They are part of the effort to protect the property of the University of Iceland, its employees and students and to improve security on the university campus in general.

The monitoring is carried out on the basis of the legitimate interests of the University of Iceland in relation to property protection and campus security.

When using security cameras, regulation no. 50/2023 on electronic monitoring applies (Icelandic only). No data is collected about individuals and no data is stored for longer than thirty days unless there is a special reason for doing so.

Numerous documents from Icelandic emigrants now available for the first time

09/11/2023 - 11:18

The Icelandic Immigrant Literacy Database (IILD) containing data on Icelandic immigrants’ manuscripts, letters, documents, and libraries in North America has been launched by the Árni Magnússon Institute at this website The database provides unique digital access to the general public to hundreds of historical written objects owned and created by Icelandic-Canadians and -Americans. Information on the people involved can be accessed as well as the places mentioned in the manuscripts.  

Varied actions needed to achieve gender balance in universities

14/02/2023 - 13:12

A more flexible educational system in universities, more emphasis on education in gender studies among students in preschool, compulsory, and upper secondary school teaching; a campaign against stereotypes on all school levels; increased support for underprivileged students and immigrants: these are all suggestions in a new report exploring the gender ratio in higher education.

The report is called Stereotypes in universities („Staðalímyndir í háskólum“). The author is Laufey Axelsdóttir, post-doc in gender studies at the University of Iceland's Faculty of Political Science, for the Forum of Equality Officers at the Icelandic universities with support from the former Ministry of Education and Culture. The report was discussed at the final event of Equality Days; a one-day conference, and a recording can be accessed online.

Seminar on ecocide law, and how it could benefit both our economy, nature and the climate

14. February 2023 - 17:15 to 18:45

The Nordic House

The Nordic house and End Ecocide Sweden invite you to join us for a seminar on ecocide law, and how it could benefit both our economy, nature and the climate.


  • Helga Hvanndal Björnsdóttir, member of Nordic Youth Biodiversity Network.
  • Lilja Björk Einarsdóttir, CEO of Landsbankinn.
  • Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir, Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Iceland.
  • Jonas Roupé, Strategist at Prosperous Planet AB, and one of the world’s leading experts in the strategic importance of international Ecocide Law.
  • Sigurður Örn Hilmarsson, Supreme Court attorney and chairman of the Icelandic Bar Association.

Moderated by lawyer Katrín Oddsdóttir.

Vocabulary app IceFlash 4K

Do you want to study Icelandic as a second language?

Academics and students at the University of Iceland have developed the vocabulary solution IceFlash 4K, a set of flashcards for studying Icelandic. The deck contains the 4000 most frequent words in Icelandic and can help those learning Icelandic as a second language to enrich their vocabulary. The following versions are available: Icelandic-English, Icelandic-Polish, Icelandic-Chinese, and Icelandic-Ukrainian. The vocabulary app is open to all (CC-BY license) and is free of charge.

GPMLS Distinguished lecture series - Professor Kornelia Polyak, MD PhD

17. April 2023 - 11:00 to 12:00

Fróði auditorium, Sturlugata 8 (deCODE building)

Professor Kornelia Polyak, MD, PhD will give a lecture titled Breast cancer prevention via targeting progenitors in the GPMLS distinguished lecture series in Fróði auditorium April 17th at 11:00-12:00.

Midway evaluation in Computer Science - Ana Borovac

7. November 2022 - 8:00 to 9:00


Live Stream

Thesis title: Towards clinically useful neonatal seizure detection algorithms

Doctoral candidate: Ana Borovac

Doctoral committee:
Steinn Guðmundsson, Professor in Computer Science, University of Iceland, Tómas P. Rúnarsson, Professor in Industrial Engineering, University of Iceland, Samspa Vanhatalo, Professor in the Department of Physiology, University of Helsinki.

