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Exam preparation

Examination periods are often considered a stressful time. Better study habits and effective study skills can reduce the strain connected to academic work and the exam periods and prevent stress and test anxiety.  Exam preparation can be divided into two parts: firstly, covering the reading material and using effective study skills and secondly personal preparation.

Rules for Dissertations

Format of MPH and MS dissertations at the University of Iceland

Regulations on the Master's programmes in Public Health Sciences
as approved at a meeting of the Public Health Sciences programme board, 29 January 2009.
The regulations below were crafter for the MPH program but are interchangable with the MS in Biostatistics and the MS in Epidemiology, taught within the Public Health Sciences department.

Environmental factors in Operations

Upcoming Aurora opportunities

The Aurora universities offer many exciting opportunities for their students and staff across the universities to develop their skills. In addition there are opportunities to impact the development of the Aurora collaboration. Below you find information about upcoming opportunities and don‘t hestitate to participate.


Do you want to gain international experience in your studies? Find out about courses at Aurora universities and other opportunities offered to students.

Are Our Kids All Right? How can we help?

22. April 2024 - 20:00 to 22:00


Are Our Kids All Right? What Can We Do to Help Our Children Navigate Current Challenges to Growing Up Both In School and In the Home.

BMC Seminar - Molecular pathology of cancer and the application of clinical sequencing

11. January 2024 - 12:30 to 13:10



BMC Seminar Thursday 11th of January at 12:30-13:10 in Askja, room N-132

Speaker: Bylgja Hilmarsdóttir, PhD. Clinical Scientist, Pathology Department Landspitali

Title: Molecular pathology of cancer and the application of clinical sequencing on tumor samples at Landspitali


The importance of molecular profiling of tumor tissue in clinical context has increased rapidly over the last decades, leading the way in personalized cancer treatment. Tumor mutational profile analysis by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is currently widely applied in clinical practice and can be used in various applications, such as for detecting prognostic biomarkers, supporting diagnosis of cancer types, and finding specific tumoral molecular alterations the guide the selection of targeted therapy.

Midway evaluation in Tourism Studies - Barbara Olga Hild

26. January 2024 - 12:30 to 13:30


Room 130

Live stream

Title: Risk management in Arctic adventure tourism: guide’s role and safety competencies.

Doctoral committee: Gunnar Þór Jóhannesson, Are Kristoffer Sydnes (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) og Sigmund Fredrik Andersen (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)


Arctic adventure tourism is growing rapidly increasing risk of accidents and leading to stress on local emergency preparedness. The objective of the research is to identity the relationship between guides role, competences and ensuring safety in the field. The study pays attention to key issues: Arctic adventure guide’s role, guide’s training, safety practices and risk management in the Arctic region, including SAR operations.

BMC Seminar - Causal proteins for diseases using Mendelian randomization

29. February 2024 - 12:30 to 13:10


seminar room N-132

BMC Seminar Thursday 29th of February at 12:10-13:10 in Askja, seminar room N-132

Speaker: Þórarinn Jónmundsson PhD student under supervision of Valborg Guðmundsdóttir, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland; Icelandic Heart Association

Title: Identifying causal protein candidates for common disease in the AGES-RS cohort using Mendelian randomization

Abstract: Proteins facilitate, regulate, and participate in almost all cellular processes. As such, studying their function (or dysfunction) has the potential to reveal biological mechanisms, identify novel therapeutic drug targets, and yield biomarkers with diagnostic or prognostic utility. Circulating proteins are an especially attractive subset of the human proteome as they can inform on the state or function of organs they interact with, as well as the circulatory system itself.

NORDYRK VET Conference 2024

3. June 2024 - 10:00 to 5. June 2024 - 12:30

Stakkahlíð / Háteigsvegur

NORDYRK Conference 3 - 5 June 2024 will be held at the University of Iceland. The theme of the conference, Evolving VET: Navigating traditions and transformations, highlights inescapable tensions embedded in evolving vocational education and training (VET). 

The Nordyrk conference is an annual conference of the Nordic research network on vocational education and training. The conference venue alternates every year between the Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland. This year the conference will be held at the University of Iceland, in Reykajvík.

The purpose of the conference is to present and discuss current research and developmental projects related to vocational education and training, as well as to make contacts, exchange ideas, and find opportunities for future collaborations.  
